CPU Temp Probes
I have searched the web for a script that performs temperature probes but had no luck in getting the real picture until wbemtest helped me find classes not included in M$oft's Scriptomatic.
Follow the instructions below to test if the script will work on your machine for CPU temperature probe:
1. Launch wbemtest
2. Click connect
3. Change the namespace to "root\WMI" then click Connect
4. Click Query, supply the query "Select * from MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature" , then click Apply
5. Double click on the result to view the class properties:
If you are able to view the results then it's ok to proceed with the scriplet.
Below is the script that probes for CPU temperature via MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature. The initial results are in 10ths of degrees in Kelvin so I had to convert the results to Celcius and Farenheit.
' CPU Temperature Probe
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\WMI")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
With objItem
WScript.Echo "Active: " & .Active & vbcrlf
FarTemp = ((9/5)*((.CurrentTemperature - 2732)/10)) + 32
CelTemp = ((FarTemp - 32) * (5/9))
WScript.Echo "Current Temperature: " & vbcrlf & _
FarTemp & " (Degrees Farenheit)" & _
" | " & CelTemp & " (Degrees Celcius)" & vbcrlf
FarTemp=((9/5)*((.CriticalTripPoint - 2732)/10)) + 32
CelTemp = ((FarTemp - 32) * (5/9))
WScript.Echo "Critical Temperature (Temperature at which the OS must shutdown the system): " & vbcrlf & _
FarTemp & " Degrees Farenheit" & _
" | " & CelTemp & " Degrees Celcius" & vbcrlf
If .PassiveTripPoint <> 0 Then
FarTemp=((9/5)*((.PassiveTripPoint - 2732)/10)) + 32
CelTemp = ((FarTemp - 32) * (5/9))
WScript.Echo "Passive Temperature (Temperature at which the OS must activate CPU throttling): " &amp;amp;amp; vbcrlf & _
FarTemp & " Degrees Farenheit" & _
vbcrlf & CelTemp & " Degrees Celcius" & vbcrlf
End If
WScript.Echo "Thermal Stamp: " & .ThermalStamp & vbcrlf
End With
CPU Max Temperatures
AMD Althon, Althon Opteron, Duron & Sempron Series:
- AMD Athlon (socket) upto 1Ghz 90°C
- AMD Athlon (slot) all speeds 70°C
- AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.1Ghz+ 95°C
- AMD Athlon MP 1.33Ghz+ 95°C
- AMD Athlon XP 1.33Ghz+ 90°C
- AMD Athlon XP T-Bred upto 2100+ 90°C
- AMD Athlon XP T-Bred over 2100+ 85°C
- AMD Athlon XP Barton 85°C
- AMD Duron up to 1Ghz 90°C
- AMD Duron 1Ghz+ 90°C
- AMD Duron Applebred 85°C
- AMD Opteron 65 - 71°C
- AMD Athlon 64 70°C
- AMD Athlon 64 (Socket 939, 1.4 volts) 65°C
- AMD Athlon 64 FX 70°C
- AMD Athlon 64 X2 71°C
- AMD Sempron (T-bred/Barton core) 90°C
- AMD Sempron (Paris core) 70°C
- AMD Mobile Sempron 95°C
AMD K6 Series
- AMD K6/K6-2/K6-III (All except below) 70°C
- AMD K6-2/K6-III (model number ending in X) 65°C
- AMD K6-2+/K6-III+ 85°C
Intel Pentium III Series
- Pentium III Slot 1 500-866Mhz 80°C
- Pentium III Slot and socket 933Mhz 75°C
- Pentium III Slot 1 1Ghz 60 - 70°C
- Pentium III Slot 1 1.13Ghz 62°C
Intel Celeron Series
- Intel Celeron 266-433Mhz 85°C
- Intel Celeron 466-533Mhz 70°C
- Intel Celeron 566-600Mhz (Coppermine) 90°C
- Intel Celeron 633-667Mhz 82°C
- Intel Celeron 700 - 850Mhz 80°C
- Intel Celeron 900Mhz - 1.6Ghz 69 - 70°C
- Intel Celeron 1.7Ghz and Higher 67 - 77°C
Intel Pentium II
- Intel Pentium II (First Generation "Klamath") 72 - 75°C
- Intel Pentium II (Second Generation, 266-333Mhz) 65°C
- Intel Pentium II (350 - 400Mhz) 75°C
- Intel Pentium II (450Mhz) 70°C
Intel Pentium 4, Pentium M (notebooks)
- Intel Pentium 4 64 - 78°C
There are no specific stats for Pentium 4 CPU’s as P4’s have an ability to slow themselves down when they are getting too hot and thus, in theory they should never be able to burn themselves out. To get specifics consult Intel’s specifications for your particular model.
- Intel Pentium M (notebooks) 100°C
Intel Pentium D (dual core)
- Intel Pentium D 820 (2.8Ghz) 63°C
- Intel Pentium D 830 & 840 (3.0 - 3.2Ghz) 69.8°C
Intel Pentium Pro
- Intel Pentium Pro. 256 or 512K L2 Cache 85°C
- Intel Pentium Pro. 1MB L2 Cache 80°C
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