Monday, May 21, 2007

Powershell Lynx Project

Those were the days of Lynx when you used to browse the web as text thru the console...

My previous blogs were about scripting with Yahoo api search services. Well, since blogging at work is not really encouraged, I have decided to create my powershell version of Lynx. Since I'm scripting most of the time due to adHoc script requests, my boss won't even realize that I'm actually blogging... hehehe...

For starters, a scriptlet that navigates IE:

$ie = New-Object -com InternetExplorer.Application

Visibility of IE can be set to false later after I finalized the function to get the HTMLDocument.Innertext and write it to the console.

I will aso have to create a function to accept console arguments to be posted to the HTMLDocument so that I can update my blogs...

Stay tuned for the script updates.


Anonymous said...

This would be a fun project...


Live Writer will do just fine...

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time...