Friday, May 18, 2007

Yahoo Search Script

Something to share...

Using MsXML.DOMDocument, you will be able to query Yahoo! API ( .

Query Parameters used:

' Yahoo Search Script
Const APP_ID = "insert your app ID"

'Grab the incoming search query or ask for one
If WScript.Arguments.Length = 0 Then
strQuery = InputBox("Enter a search Term")
strQuery = WScript.Arguments(0)
End If

'Construct a Yahoo! Search Query
strLanguage = "en"
strReqURL = "" & _
"WebSearchService/V1/webSearch?" & _
"appid=" & APP_ID & _
"&query=" & strQuery & _
"&language=" & strLanguage

'Start the XML Parser
Set MSXML = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")

'Set the XML Parser options
MSXML.Async = False

'Make the Request
strResponse = MSXML.Load(strReqURL)

'Make sure the request loaded
If (strResponse) Then

'Load the results
Set Results = MSXML.SelectNodes("//Result")

'Loop through the results
For x = 0 to Results.length - 1
strTitle = Results(x).SelectSingleNode("Title").text
strSummary = Results(x).SelectSingleNode("Summary").text
strURL = Results(x).SelectSingleNode("Url").text
strOut = (x + 1) & ". " & _
strTitle & vbCrLf & _
strSummary & vbCrLf & _
strURL & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
WScript.Echo strOut

'Unload the results
Set Results = Nothing

End If

'Unload the XML Parser
Set MSXML = Nothing

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