Thursday, September 13, 2007

HowTo: Enum Citrix Server License using LMSTAT

Our PS4 server seems to fail to execute the license information scripts from Citrix.Com (Dependency on SDK).

So instead of relying on it, I decided to develop a script using LMSTAT and a short vb script to parse the output file and write it to a .CSV file for better viewing (Data Filtering and such...)

First I piped the result of lmstat -a to a text file then I used the script below to parse the contents then write it to a .CSV file

Code Snippet:

Parse the source file (lmstat output file): srcfile

  1. Sub GetData(srcfile)
  2. Set f = fso.GetFile(srcfile)
  3. Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault)
  4. Do While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True
  5. readResults = Trim(UCase(ts.ReadLine))
  6. If InStr(readResults, "/27000") Then
  7. mps = split(readResults, Chr(32))
  8. msg = mps(1) & "," & mps(3) &amp; "," & mps(4) &amp;amp; "," & mps(5) & mps(6) & mps(8) &amp;amp; " " & mps(9) &amp;amp; " " & mps(10)
  9. WriteToCSV msg, license_out
  10. End If
  11. Loop
  12. End Sub

Write to CSV function: oCsv(Output File), msg(parsed ReadLine results)

  1. Function WriteToCSV(oCsv,msg)
  2. If Not fso.FileExists(oCsv) Then fso.CreateTextFile(oCsv)
  3. Set f = fso.GetFile(oCsv)
  4. Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForAppending, TristateUseDefault)
  5. ts.Write msg & vbCrlf
  6. msg = ""
  7. ts.Close
  8. End Function
If at first you fail, call it version 1.0

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