Friday, July 13, 2007

MFCOM: Farm Session Count

Another day of Citrix Administration, a simple MFCOM script to view Active Farm Sessions.

Code Snippet:

  1. Const cMetaFrameWinFarmObject = 1
  2. Const MFSessionStateActive = 1
  3. Set theFarm = CreateObject("MetaFrameCOM.MetaFrameFarm")
  4. theFarm.Initialize(cMetaFrameWinFarmObject)
  5. intSessionCount = 0
  6. intActiveCount = 0
  7. For Each oSession In theFarm.Sessions
  8. intSessionCount = intSessionCount + 1
  9. If (oSession.SessionState = MFSessionStateActive) and (oSession.SessionName <> "Console") Then
  10. intActiveCount = intActiveCount + 1
  11. WScript.Echo vbcrlf & "*****************************"
  12. WScript.Echo "User Name: " & oSession.UserName
  13. WScript.Echo "IP Address: " & oSession.ClientAddress
  14. WScript.Echo "Server: " & oSession.ServerName
  15. WScript.Echo "Application: " & oSession.AppName
  16. WScript.Echo "Logon Time: " & oSession.ConnectedTime
  17. End If
  18. Next
  19. WScript.Echo "Total Session Count = " & intSessionCount & vbcrlf & _
  20. "Active Session Count = " & intActiveCount

If at first you fail, call it version 1.0

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